panta rhei - everything flows
A new sculpture titled "panta rhei", made of a dure Austrian marble (Sölker Marmor) found its final destination in public space.
The presentation took place at June 21st 2011 right in front of the University of Graz.

„Ever-newer waters flow on those who step into the same rivers.“ [Heraclitus]
„Panta rhei“
...was produced by Klaus Schrefler, while for 3D design and graphic construction he closely cooperated with Thomas Siegl.
An interdisciplinary artwork formally related with the inernationally presented film „INTIÑAHUI - In the Eye of the Sun“ directed by Klaus Schrefler, 3D animation by Thomas Siegl and Martin Schemitsch. The film based on the „cycle of life“ is concepted as a nine part series of continual visual flow. The sculpture is a variation of the ring, which builds the essential line of the film.
Find more at
Schrefler  |
Thomas Siegl  |