Artist, scientist – 1969 born in Linz, lives in Graz.
Visual Media Artist: trans-disciplinary art projects, animation film, photo-, video- and Installation [numerous international presentations Germany, Denmark, France, India, Slovenia, Spain, USA, Ecuador, Japan (e.g. Metropolitan Museum of Tokio; Fukuoka Art Museum) a. o.]; Visiting more than 30 countries.
Schrefler started with photography as means of art in early 80-ies, later his focus could be called Visual Arts in general; he combined video with performances; animation film, sculptures and art in public space.
Lecturer at the University of Graz.
2003 Founder of the association theSYNdicate – intercultural network for transforming arts - http://syn.mur.at
Doctor in the study of Botany / Ecology at K.-F. University Graz, 2002